Indigo’s and the Community

A few Saturdays ago, I had the pleasure of assisting Indigo’s Cultural Arts Center with preparing meals and delivering them to the homeless. Years ago, I’d experienced serving at soup kitchens with a church I attended. While it was a rewarding experience, it was nothing like the feeling that came over me as I watched little ones excited about placing food on plates, rolling plastic ware and gathering bottled water from the cooler- all to be packed in cars and driven over to the local library to be handed out to those less fortunate than we are. I captured a few shots of the kids playing outside before we left to deliver the plates. While sitting out on the stoop observing the kids- I noticed the most powerful thing…with kids all you have to do is wait and they will provide you with the most heartfelt, the most powerful, positive energy one has ever endured and the biggest part…it is genuine. I started thinking about  how the smallest most minute things make them happy, make them gather together and love each other no matter what. Then life starts to happen.

I can’t help but get emotional when I look at these images. There was no status, no one cared about what name brand the other had on or what type of hair style someone wore. I know this post is kind of in and out, up and down between providing for the homeless and the innocence of children. Somehow, the two just fit together so perfectly. Both experiences spoke volumes to my heart and soul. This was one day I’ll never forget. Thanks, Nia.

Interpretation of Family- drawn by Ausaria W. (age 8)

Mama Sakhet speaking knowledge.

Mama Jamillah


Water Baby

Five years old and extremely aware.

Lil' Mamas

Helping the Homeless

Loc Babies

Saturday Mornings

I can remember being around 7 or 8 years old and looking forward to Saturday mornings with my mom. During the Summer months, we would grab a morning paper and a biscuit (don’t forget the orange juice) then head out to the addresses that read “Huge Two Family Yard Sale!”. For some reason those keywords “two family” stood out because it meant great things for me…dolls, doll clothes, doll shoes, doll hair accessories, doll furniture..EVERYTHING DOLLS! Not only was I excited about yard sale hopping with my mom, I was equally excited about us having our own yard sales. Our customers consisted mostly of people we already knew around the neighborhood. We’d team up with my Great Aunt and cousins(because we lived next door to each other), hang signs on Main St. and Ledbetter Rd. Sometimes we’d even run an ad in the local paper, but overall, the signage worked just fine. There would be dresses hanging in trees, pant suits hanging on car windows, and denims covering small card tables. I’d sit there and listen to to latest “grown folk” gossip and greet customers. We’d laugh because my mom and her cousins would always be interested in what the other had for sale and nine times out of ten they’d end up selling their merchandise to each other. There was a great chance that my cousin would be going home with my mom’s apple print kitchen curtains in hand  and my cousin’s set of 4 drinking glasses would show up on our table that evening filled to the rim with “red” koolaid. Those were definitely the days.

A few weekends ago, Z, my husband, my mom and I had a last minute yard sale. There weren’t any sausage biscuits, no orange juice, no dolls, no gossip, not even a morning paper. However,  there was that summer morning, signs on Main St. and Ledbetter Rd., dresses hanging on cars and friends we knew around the neighborhood. My great aunt and cousin were both there and somehow we  still ended up purchasing each other’s merchandise. These were some of my old memories and new ones I’d created with Z and Stephen. Summery, Saturday mornings.


Been Awhile…

It’s been almost a year since my last entry. It’s also been a year since Z’s first foot surgery. I’m just extremely thankful to God for keeping my family healthy and allowing me to continue to share my love for photography with you all.

We had the pleasure of visiting Greensboro’s Children’s Museum a few weeks ago. I’m a bit ashamed that I’ve been living here for such a long time and this was my first visit. I can honestly say I was very impressed by all of the exhibits they had to offer. If only Z was still a toddler….*sigh* LOL!





As The End of Summer Approaches…

Normally for kids, as the end of Summer approaches, faces get long with the thought of going back into a new school year. Well, definitely not the case in the Charles’ household. My little flower face has been all smiles for the past few days. Geared up with the excitement of her first year in Middle School,  she also anticipates being able to wear shoes on both feet. 🙂 Back in mid-June she’d undergone foot surgery and is now in the final stages of full recovery.  Today we visited the lake below our home and I took advantage of some camera time. These are just a few snaps of her being out barefoot for the first time in what seems like ages. I love you, Z. Cheers to your new foot. [documenting her life]

Miss Eva Bella

Chihuahuas have really taken America by storm. I see these little things more and more each day. Even caught a glimpse of one riding in the shirt pocket of a young man  inside of the mall. This particular one belonged to one of the vendors  at First Fridays, downtown Greensboro. While talking to her owner, I didn’t ever notice the pooch nestled inside of her apron. She noticed me long before I her. When I did make eye contact she shied away back into the comfort of her owner’s apron. She was dug out and offered to be petted. I asked her name and the owner replied with “Miss Eva Bella”. She wore a pink dress and the owner went on to show me matching pink shoes that she only wore on her hind paws. Can you say DIVA!

The Day Of

After my uncle’s funeral, I noticed my mother and her sisters came home and each had a single, long stem, yellow rose. As the day progressed, I found one of the roses placed in a water bottle that sat on the side of  kitchen sink. Another  had been demolished, with petals missing (I’m assuming either one of the kids or one of the dogs got to it). Then I came across this one, it laid on the table just waiting for me to capture it. There are so many things that are forgotten after a funeral. Who said what, who came by to show their condolences, who called, those who forget to call. This rose will always remind me of the day my Uncle Robert was laid to rest. The day our family officially said their goodbyes..or see you later.

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